I have set quite a few goals for myself. Some of them are:
- Learn to write articles and posts in English
- Start a successful blog through which I can generate an income
- Learning illustration to a degree to where I get commissions
- Learning music production and sell beats online
I currently suck big time at all these crafts. You will find my writing to be sporadic and all over the place, yet I post 6 times a week. Every blog post starts out with a hand-drawn picture that looks like something a kid drew.
I’m still on the process of learning my chosen DAW which is short for – Digital Audio Workstation. It’s a fancy word for music software. After that, I will learn how to play the piano keyboard through books and online programs. My first beats will most likely sound like garbage.
All these skillsets will likely take years and years to develop to a professional level. It is said drawing alone takes between 5-10 years to learn to a proficient level, depending on how much time you dedicate.
It’s often painful to look at the poor quality I put out there – but its a necessary evil. It keeps me motivated to improve, it cultivates a daily productive habit. It reinforces my commitment to my goals – it builds personal integrity.
I admit it, I’m a dreamer – but this is the life I want no matter the cost, and I want you to dream big too. Start putting yourself out there. Today.
Post videos of your progress, join forums, and communicate with like-minded individuals and start sharing. Let the world know what you want – with some patience and hard work, you will reach your destination.
What’s pretty neat is that we live in a time where you can reach mastery faster than ever before. And even in several fields, depending on how much you want to sacrifice in terms of work-life balance.
Imagine being born just 100 years ago, where you had to find mentor figures in person, at the easiest you could probably find a handful of books on your chosen craft.
Thanks to the internet today you can find mentors and professionals in your chosen field competing with each other in order to deliver the most value, willing to teach you their tricks of the trade – which in turn cuts corners in your learning progress for just a few dollars.
If you think about you have always had to go through a messy learning curve. You learned to walk by falling and getting up numerous times. Your first words as a baby probably sounded like a foreign language. Your first handwritten pages in school most likely looked awful.
As we grow up and get socialized we develop the ego and often get self-conscious in the process. We want to be perceived as being competent in life. “Mistakes and blunders are to be avoided!”
So don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty or what other people will think of you. You have a few decades at your disposal to become a better person and acquire skills. Start today.
Until next time – Bogdan